In 1999 our mayor, Mike Hurley, in one of his many enthusiastic efforts to invigorate Belfast, asked local artists to create Bears that would live in the city’s downtown for the summer.  Belfast, in its day, was the “broiler capital” of the universe and I was more of a chicken enthusiast than a bear man so my submission was of a bear dressed up to go out for the evening with the chickens.    Admiral Ray was a nickname given to me by the Chief Mate of one of the best ships I ever sailed on, the Jamestown.  The bears were made of fiberglass.  Admiral Ray’s accouterment is of steel, Bondo, and nylon strapping.  The chickens are cast in concrete.  Admiral Ray was auctioned off and has moved to Massachusetts.

Admiral Ray Dresses Up To Go Out With The Chickens

This carved hat is at the far end of the dog's run.

Brown Derby